Reflection on the Year

This year has been a great year. Mr. Burden has really helped us in the way we use technology to study religion from a modern aspect of the Olden days in the time of Jesus. I also like the idea of only having 2 assignment because it gives the boys enough time to plan for the oncoming task. 


Being A Catholic Today.

Being a catholic today means a lot to me. It means that I’m part of a wide range organization of people around the world and in my own country. It means that i can be accepted in to any group anywhere in this school and in any other school. I believe that the catholic church should modernize and not have every thing done old school style, by that i mean they should start by putting every thing on the internet and not just have every body reading out of the bible. New school brother compared to the old school brothers is a major difference. The old school brothers used to threat kids in to studying the bible and if they did not they would go to hell. But today they are all loving and caring.


Good v Evil

Good In The World!

Apocalyptic Writing

Men are going to destroy the world. Not by the hand of god but by each other. Men have created weapons to destroy one another and to destroy the world we now live in. First significant turning point: The angel (representing Christ ministering as our high priest) ceases his intercession and throws down his censor.  Probation for the world ceases.  No longer is there a mediator between the God and wicked man.  Jesus rides out as King of kings at the head of the armies of heaven to do battle with the earth.  The time of wrath begin, covering 14 incredible events known as the 7 trumpets (1st 7 plagues) and the 7 last plagues.  These are also summarized in the opening of the seven seals.
Second significant turning point: The Second Coming of Christ.   Jesus resurrects the righteous dead, transforms the righteous living and takes them to heaven.  The wicked are totally destroyed and the earth is devastated.  Satan is bound to a desolate earth for 1000 years.
Third significant turning point: The return of Christ, the New Jerusalem and the righteous to this world at the END of the millennium. The wicked dead are resurrected.  Under Satan’s command they gather to attack the New Jerusalem.   They are stopped by God’s appearing, and then judged on the basis of what they did (executionary judgment).  They receive the due penalty for their sins by burning in a lake of fire until every vestige of them is gone (i.e. they are not burning forever). The same fire cleanses the earth, and God recreates the earth into a paradise.




My Glog.

Myths of the old Testament

‘Paul’s Letters’

Known as Saul prior to his ministry, Paul was born of Hebrew parents about A.D. 5, or a few years earlier, in Tarsus, a city of Cilicia. He later became a Roman citizen and also became fluent in speaking and writing in the Greek language. He was brought up in boyhood in Jerusalem, where he was taught by Gamaliel. Before he became a Christian missionary, he was a Pharisee. His trade was tent-making.

After his miraculous conversion in A.D. 37, he participated in missionary expeditions. On the first journey (A.D. 45-47), Barnabas was his partner. On the second journey (A.D. 50-54), Silas (or Silvanus) was his partner. For part of the third journey (A.D. 50-54), Luke was his partner. Paul was imprisoned in Jerusalem in A.D. 58, in Cæsarea from A.D. 58-60, and in Rome from A.D. 61-63 and from A.D. 65-67.